Tuesday 22 November 2011

part 10 - run away

this part is really short, but I wanted it to be a seperate. :) the next one will be back to a normal size :D

Vivacious kept running through the dense, nightmarish forest. No matter which way she turned, branches grabbed onto her; trying to drag her back. And the tree roots rose up from the soil tripping her up and making hr stumble and fall. It reminded her of why she was running in the first place. When she was about 10 miles away from the house; she stopped and turned.
It broke her heart that she had to leave her sister, Honey, behind. But she’d have slowed her up too much. Even though she kept reminding herself she was better off leaving her behind, she eventually broke down and let the tears fall down her scratched and bloody face. Crumpling to the ground she curled up, shaking from the run and tears.
She didn’t know how long she lay there, but when she looked up she screamed. Nefarious was standing above her with a malicious glare in his eye.
“You didn’t think you’d get away that easy now, did you?” vivacious just stared defiantly back at him. “I must say i’m very disappointed in you Vivacious Bellatrix.” She swallowed. He only used her full taken name when he was mad at her. And not mad as in temper tantrum. Mad as in someone is going to get seriously hurt mad.
“Go to hell”
He lauged. “now, now. There’s no need to be spiteful.”
“I’m not going back there.”  I snarled.
“Ah. Bella. Beautiful Bella.” He walked towards me and stroked my face. I recoiled away from his touch as if it had burned me. “It’s as if you think you had a choice.”
At this he grabbed her, and before she could even hit him, he shadow walked her. Into the night.

Sunday 20 November 2011

part 9 - first meeting

His eyes bore into mine, seeing into the unknown depths of my soul. It unnerved me, so I cowered away. But, as I turned two strong hands grasped my arms in a gentle, yet firm grip. It was enough to stop me in my tracks, and look him straight in the eye again. I noticed the darkness of his brown eyes. The way he looked when he was frustrated. It was part of what made me love fall in love with him. Though I needed to do this; I had no choice...
I woke with a start, my eyes were wild with terror. I was drenched in sweat and was shaking.
“It was only a dream. Only a dream.” I murmured reassuringly to myself. Though it wasn’t just a dream, and I knew it. It was the last time I’d seen Scott. He was dead now, he was only a normal human. Whereas she was an adept. I always told people I was only 18, I was in actual fact a staggering 210, yet looked no older than 17. That was the upside to being an adept.
Back when I’d first started learning magic I’d only been around 15 years old. It was back in 1816, her and her parents live in Donegal. I was an only child at this stage, and they lived on a small rural farm. One day she was out in the barn milking the cow. Her head was bent low so her long cascade of blonde curls obscured her face. All of a sudden she heard a deep, hesitant cough from behind her. Whipping round, she peered into the dim, misty, mid December gloom through the open barn door. The silhouette of a young man hovered in the door frame. When she looked colder, she saw how handsome he was. His hair looked thick and dark and stood up at awkward angles as if he had just run his fingers through it. Her eyes travelled down over his dark brown eyes and plush, red - tainted lips. He was tall and looked muscular with strong, capable hands. He wore plain, dirt speckled trousers which frayed at the bottom; and on his torso he wore a torn t-shirt.
I suddenly became aware of the fact that I had been staring at him and looked away quickly, embarrassed by my rudeness. When I glanced back shyly, I saw him give me a cute, hesitant, lop sided grin. I returned his gesture with my own small smile. Lowering my head I looked at the floor, and I heard his footsteps as he rustled the dry straw which littered the ground. I felt his gaze so I lifted by head to look him in the eye.
“I’ve been watching you,” he said. His voice was deep and alluring. Even though his words should have disturbed or even scared me, they didn’t. They made me feel safe and warm.
“You have?”
“Yeah.” He looked at the ground awkwardly, not hiding his embarrassment. “Not in a creepy, stalker way or anything.” He said quickly, “Just... You’re new here.” He wasn’t asking, he was merely stating. I nodded. “Have you a boyfriend, or anything?” he asked quickly. It startled me because of the way he  said it jealously and protectively.
“No. My father won’t let me. He.. he doesn’t want me to get my heart broken.” I shrugged my shoulders in a what can I do way. He smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well I’d like to get to know you better. If you don’t mind that is?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
“My name’s Scott. What’s yours?”
Étaoin.” He mused pulling me to my feet. “A pretty name”, he said, tucking a few stray strands of my hair behind my ears, “for a pretty girl.”
He cupped my face in his hands, and bent down to kiss me. As soon as our lips met, it was magnetic. It made me want more, and he must have felt the same as his hands move from my face, down my body and encircled my waist pressing our bodies together. He backed me against the wall, pushing us even closer together.
“We shouldn’t do this.” I said heavily. “My father would kill you if he knew the truth.”
Scott broke away and looked me in the eye. “Then let him. Because I love you, Étaoin. I’m in love with you. I barely know you, but I’m pulled towards you. I want you, more than anything in the world. But I’ll stop if you want me to.”
I held his face in my hands. “I’m in love with you too.” I kissed him again, softly, because I knew what I said was true. I was in love with Scott. He made me feel complete, here with him now. He kissed me back fiercer and more passionate than he had before.
All too soon, I heard my father shouting my name. Wrenching myself away from Scott, I grabbed his hand I pulled him to a window which led straight to the shelter of the forest. He climbed through the window and whispered in my ear. “meet me in the forest meadow before sunset. I’ll be waiting.” He kissed me softly, lingering for a moment then fled to the shadows of the trees.
A tear fell down my face as I remembered our first meeting. I’d never love anyone the same again. Never as much as I loved, no, love him. Sometimes I wish I could have dies with him.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Part 8 - speaking through lyrics

Jesse lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His mind kept replaying the days events over and over in his mind, a never ending cycle. Suddenly a vivid memory appeared in the front of his mind. It was of a conversation that he had had with his dad when he was younger.
His father had come out into the garden to sit with him behind the ditch at the back of their old house. It wasn’t much their house. Just a small three bedroom house for seven people.  His mum and dad had a room, him and his brother, Michael, shared a room then al of his sisters, megan, Maura and morganna, all shared the last room. They were all very cramped. The good thing about their house though, was that it was in the country. So jesse got to run about the fields and swim in the rivers. He also enjoyed taking  his guitar out into the neighbouring field, hide in the bushes, and play music. He wrote many songs within them trees.
When his dad sat down, he sat with me in silence for a while. After a while he turned to look at me, his hands were together, like people have them when praying. It made me wary he only did this when he was serious.
“Jesse. Your mother and I have been... well... worried about you. You are 14 years old and you still go on about... these... well seeing people... that no one else... well.. Sees. It worries us. Do you need to talk about something? You don’t have to make this kind of stuff up to get our attention, you know? Just talk to us.”
I stared at him for  a minute, in complete disbelief. “You think i’m a liar? You think I’m going round making all this up to get ATTENTION? Why would I do that?”
“Look son. I’m not implying that you’re either a liar or attention seeker. Don’t go putting words in my mouth. I’m just worried that’s all.”
I scowled at him, then got up to leave. He stood up quickly behind me.
“NO Jesse. Wait. I have something for you.”
Turning round slowly, I saw him reach down behind the ditch and lift something out. I gasped. It was a guitar. Looking at my expression he smiled too.
“I know you always wanted one. And.. you’ve been a good son.  Maybe the music will give you something else to concentrate on. How about that?”
I looked at him and ran to him. Throwing both arms round his neck, I couldn’t stop smiling. Pulling away from him, I took the guitar from his outstretched hand. My first guitar.
“Thanks, dad” I whispered.
He patted my back, then clambered back over the ditch and headed back to the house. Leaving me behind, staring in awe at the guitar in my hands.
Turning over in my bed, I smiled to myself. Reaching down to the bag at my bed I pulled out a book. My song book. Pulling a pencil from between the leaves of the book I started to write.

we first met on a sunny day
you stole my heart straight away
our friends would laugh and smile
at our secret smiles you could see for  a mile.
Every day now I see your face
I’m in a never ending race
That you are winning

Give me a chance to love you
The way you deserve to
Be. I’ll me your rock
Since you found the key to unlock
My heart and my soul
Now they’re yours

Now run away with me
Can you not even see
How happy we would be
Away from all the rest
East to west
It’s never to far
We’ll just hop into your car
And drive and drive and drive

Give me a chance to love you
The way you deserve to
Be. I’ll me your rock
Since you found the key to unlock
My heart and my soul
Now they’re yours

I’m sorry for all the pain
As we sit here in the rain
Hiding you’re tears from the world
That we’ve just unfurled
Take my hand and trust me now
Your beauty blinds me so much
I can’t even see with such
Eyes. I’m lost in you here
Please keep me near

Give me a chance to love you
The way you deserve to
Be. I’ll me your rock
Since you found the key to unlock
My heart and my soul
Now they’re yours

Now finally you turn around
And i have finally found
A reason to smile all over again
I just have to find a way to refrain
From letting you  control my life
Hurt and strife
Tears and fights
Control so many nights
It tears me apart
We could be like a piece of art
All i need is for you to

Give me a chance to love you
The way you deserve to
Be. I’ll me your rock
Since you found the key to unlock
My heart and my soul
Now they’re yours

Looking at the book a minute, I smiled to myself. Tomorrow I’d compose it, then I’d get her alone and sing it to her. Looking up sharply I saw two large figures towering above me. I was too late, letting out a yell they grabbed me and covered my mouth and nose with a cloth. My vision went foggy and then I blacked out. Letting my book fall to the ground.

Friday 7 October 2011

part 7 - cuairt gan choinne

NJ was almost asleep when she heard a door open and close downstairs. Straining her ears she squinted at the ground as if she could see through the floor into the room below. Dragging herself out of bed, she inched her way quietly to the door. When she was out into the hall she came to the landing at the staircase. Looking down to see if anyone was standing there, she jumped off the edge and landed lightly on the marble floor. Keeping her back to the wall she took her gun out of the convenient pocket in her pyjama bottoms, and held it close. Pausing a millisecond at the kitchen door, she barged her way in.
“Put your hands up! I’ve got a gun and I’m not afraid to shoot!”
A tall boy who had been standing eating a pack of crisps, whipped round.
“Jeez! Don’t give me heart attack like that, Skye! Wait... you aren’t Skye! Who the fuck are you? Why are you in her house?”
“I’m none of your business. Hold on a minute.. SKYE!!! Get your lazy butt down here right now!”
She hollered. A thud was heard from upstairs. I cry of pain. Some cursing. Then a bleary eyed Skye stood in the kitchen doorway, dressed in a cami and shorts.
“What the hell do you wan....  Pheonix!”
She ran over and hugged him.
“I haven’t seen you in 8 years!”
“Yeah. I knew you’d have to come back”
“why’s that?”
“I’m to awesome”
She patted his shoulder.
“Keppy telling yourself that”
“Yeah I will. Thanks for the permission”
They laughed. NJ lowered her gun and looked at them completely lost. Looking between Pheonix and Skye, as if she was watching tennis, She finally managed to stutter out.
“Are you 2.. you know? NO! You can’t be! Are you?”
Looking at each other Skye was the first to twig.
“god no! Jeez NJ i’d like to think i had better taste than him!”
“No offense”
“We are cousins. Can’t you see the resemblance?”
NJ looked at Skye’s small, muscular frame. With blonde hair and bright blue eyes with plae skin. Then she looked at Pheonix’s short auburn hair and brown eyes with weather beaten skin. He too was muscular, but was much taller than Skye was.
“You have the same nose?”
They said in unison. NJ tried to hold it in, but she couldn’t. Her laugh came out and made the other 2 start laughing so hard tears were falling down their eyes. Once they had all stopped laughing, she stood up and said
“Well I’m gonna get some much needed sleep. Good night to you all, and to all a goodnight.”
She turned on her heel and marched up to her room. Watching her go, Pheonix finally snapped out of his daze. Opening his mouth to speak, Skye cut him off.
“Don’t even think about it”
He tried to speak again, but she cut him off for a second time.
“She’s taken.”
He sighed
“They always are”
“Right well you and Samson can have the usual room, and be up early for tomorrow”
“we have to go down to roarhaven. 5 am sharp we are leaving.”
“But it’s 3am!”
“well you better get some sleep then”
She smiled at him in mock sweetness, then skipped up the hall, and took the steps 2 at a time.
Pheonix watched her leave, and shook his head bemused.
“Sometimes I can’t believe we’re cousins”
“Neither can I”
He heard Skye yell from her room. He laughed. Motioning for Samson to follow him, they went up to their room. He past NJ’s closed door and peaked in. She had fallen straight to sleep. He twitched a smile. He didn’t care what Skye said, he would get her. Closing the door he walked into his own room.
NJ squinted her eyes. He was gone. She smirked.
“This will be interesting.”

Saturday 1 October 2011

part 6 - fuadach

Deep in a dark, dank forest. Sat a old, creepy house. In the window above the old, creaky door; sat a girl. Her long, light blonde hair half covered  her face. She stared out at the forest, blankly.  A tear slowly inched its way down her face, before she roughly rubbed it away.  Standing up sharply she opened the window, and leaped to the ground. As soon as she hit the ground, she sprinted into the forest. A tall, black haired man watched her. His unnerving, dark eyes watched her leave.
“Where’s she away, dad?”
He looked down at the 19 year old girl beside him. Her soft, honey brown hair framing her face perfectly. She was so different from her sister.
“She’ll be back. She’s away to the cliffs again”
Sighing, the girl swept up the stairs with the grace of a gazelle.
“You better be ready for tonight. My colleagues are coming over and we will see who has the best to offer for you and your sister”
Stopping suddenly she looked at him. Her big, brown eyes blinked.
“But I’m not ready, father”
“Well, you have no say. Don’t forget your place young lady. Do I need to lock you in the prison until tonight?”
He bellowed at her. Bowing her head in shame, she muttered, barely audible
“No father.”
“What was that?”
He bit back.
“No father. I will do as you wish”
“You know you will. Whether you like it or not. I have fed and clothed you for how long? And you have the cheek to tell me I can’t get give you as a bride to one of my friends? How dare you!”
“I’m sorry father. I am very lucky and grateful to you”
“Go to your room now!”
Quickly nodding, she bounded up the stairs 2 at a time. Wrenching open her door, she flung herself onto her bed and let her tears fall. After about 5 minutes she sat up.  Wiping her eyes she closed her door. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw her eyes puffy after crying. But otherwise she was very beautiful. Everyone said she was. She had honey brown hair, brown eyes and full, red lips. She was tall and slender. But she was still only 19 and her father expected her to marry one of his old friends.
“They’re all in their 40’s or 50’s. It’s disgusting”
She moaned. Resulting to pacing her room, she rang a hand through her long hair. She knew Nefarious wasn’t her real dad. She pretended that she didn’t remember, but she did. She could picture it as if it was yesterday......
She had been in the park with her little sister, playing on the swings. All of a sudden a man came up to them with a boy about my age.
“Excuse me. Would you mind if my son played with you and your sister for a while? I have to talk to someone here. I won’t be long.”
“Emm sure”
Nudging his son forward he walked away. Looking at the boy I noted how cute he looked. Grey eyes, messy brown hair and pale skin with freckles. Walking towards me he held out his hand and said it a strong irish accent
“Hi my name is Michael. What’s yours?”
Taking his hand and shakin it I began to blush and stutter
“I.. I’m Megan. “
“Hi Megan. You are really pretty”
He smiled when he said it. It made me turn crimson and turn away sharply before he could see.
“Do you want to come to my house and play for a while? Daddy won’t mind”
“I can’t leave Maura! She’s only 5. Also I’d have to ask mummy. She’d be really worried. I’m only 7. What age are you?”
“I’ve just turned 8”
He said proudly.
“Aww come on. Daddy will run you home again.”
“You sure he won’t mind?”
“Not at all”
At this his father walked over to fetch his son.
“Thanks for staying with Michael for me”
“It was no problem, sir”
“Daddy? Can Megan come home and play with me for e a while? Her little sister Maura too.”
“Well I see no reason why not. I’ll run you home in a few hours. How about that?”
“Yeah! Thank you”
Taking hold of Maura’s hand we followed him and Michael to a smart, black car waiting at the roadside. A man stepped out of the front seat and held the door open for us to clamber inside the car.
After about 30 minutes of driving I plucked up the courage to ask
“Sir. Where are we going? I think I want to go home now if you don’t mind. I’m awfully sorry but my mummy will be worried about me. I’m supposed to be home for dinner now.”
“Quiet! You stupid girl! You aren’t going home. You’re to stay with me now. “
“NO! Michael! Tell him to take me home! I miss my mummy!”
I wailed. Tears falling down my young, fresh face.
“Oh no. I couldn’t do that. That would be silly. I’m going to marry you when I’m older. Daddy says so. Isn’t that right daddy? You said I could marry the pretty girl if I helped you get her.”
“Of course you can son. Just give me a second”
Slowly and carefully, I watched him draw a gun out of his pocket. Pointing it between his terrified sons eyes he said
“Night Night”
The shot rung through my ears, making me scream. Desperately I scratched at the doors trying to get out. The man laughed insanely behind me and I turned to see Michael slumped onto the floor. A hole in his forehead.  

Thursday 29 September 2011

Part 5 - ag tosú níos mó ná

“how about we start with the fact that my sister that I’ve never met in my entire life, shows up out of the blue with some weirdo person with wings and a gun. Without my brother and expects me to be okay with it!”
Caoimhe said in a rush. Talking a step towards her I hugged her.
 “I’m sorry I was never there for you. But, I’ll never let anyone hurt you or take you away from me. I swear”
“Thanks. I’ve really missed you.”
Holding her at arms length I searched her young face. She looked so much like I did at her age. But yet... yet she was so different. More confident and self assured. More like Shane always was.
“They... we’ve kept your room. We clean it still though. Mum and dad always wanted it to be ready for when you came back.”
“Really? Emm.... can I see it?”
“Thanks. I’ll meet you guys in the kitchen in a wee while. I just want to be on my own for a while.”
NJ walked over to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Giving her a small smile, I made my way back into the house. Looking round I noticed that the kitchen looked exactly the same as it had before I’d left. Same marble floors, expensive but pointless gadgets and the same unnatural cleanliness that I’d always hated.
Hesitantly I made my way up the flight of grand marble stairs, looking all around to see if anything  at all had changed. It hadn’t. Walking along the long corridors I pictured my room. Was it really kept the same? Turning to face a tall, oak door. I slowly reached my hand out to the door handle. Grasping hold of it, I braced myself, and opened the door.
“oh my God.”
Shuffling through the doorway, I was stunned. It was way different than it had been when I was 10. It was more grown up. Ready for me for when I came home.
Looking round I saw an envelope sitting on the king sized bed. My hand shaking uncontrollably, I opened the envelope, and pulled out a letter. Sitting down on the bed, I started to read:
To our darling girl.
                               If you are reading this you’ve finally came home but after we’ve died. Not a day went past were we didn’t hope you’d come and walk through that door. Every cold, wet night we were worried sick about you. We never knew if you were alive or dead and it broke our hearts. We named your sister Caoimhe because you always said to us that if you got a sister that we had to name her Caoimhe. So we did.
We hope you like your room. We spent ages deciding if we should redecorate it or not, but we decided to on your 15th birthday. It’s not been the same without you. Casey started acting all weird and secretive. He always had some weird friends over, and we could always hear them muttering in secret as if they were planning something. We don’t know what happened to him, but after he realised you weren’t coming back he left school and started getting into lots of trouble. We hope Caoimhe doesn’t turn out like him, but she is too much like you I think. Please try and help Casey, sweetheart. Before it’s too late. We were just glad he didn’t decide to become a necromancer like your uncle.
I really hope you stay safe and find whatever you were and are looking for in life. You were always strong willed and determined. It was what made people trust you. I need you to realise we are and were always behind you. No matter what choices you make in life.
Lots of love
Mum and Dad
p.s. we’ve been adding to your collection even after you left. There should be a lot there now. We think it will come in handy. Also the house and bulk of our money is left to you. Because if you are reading this we are dead, and we are sad that we couldn’t see you one more time since you left.
Best wishes
A tear fell onto the letter. Breathing deeply I wiped my eyes and stuffed the letter into my pocket. Looking up I made my way over to a picture of me and the horses. I looked so happy. Pulling the picture from against the wall, it revealed a safe. Typing in the code I swung the door open. At the sight of the contents in the safe I gasped. Lifting it out I brung it all over to my bed. Counting the money I saw that they had left me a grand total of £5750!
“Holy fuck” I muttered barely audible.
Shaking myself out of shock I put it back into the safe and closed over the picture. Looking around again, I was finally decided. Walking into my wardrobe I noticed all the clothes were conveniently in my size. Walking out into my room again I looked around to see what all they had left in it. Satisfied I turned and ran down the stairs into the kitchen to find NJ and Caoimhe making dinner.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Look Skye, it’s getting late. It makes no sense to drive back to Roarhaven tonight anyway. So we are gonna rest here for the night, pack some stuff and head on back. Kay? I’ve rung Skulduggery to let him know. They’ve briefed me in the plans. Also I’ve told Caoimhe about Shane.”
“Thanks NJ. I couldn’t do this without you.”
“Course you could have”
“No I wouldn’t”
“Yeah you’re right. You’d have been toast. I’m really amazing aren’t I?”
“And big headed”
“I’m not big headed I just recognise my own awesomness”
“yeah that’s it”
I said nodding my head teasingly.


After dinner we all said our goodnights and went to our bedrooms. As soon as my door closed behind me I went over to the desk and turned on the laptop that was sitting there. Whilst it was turning on I  quickly showered and changed into a new pair of pyjamas and cosy slipper socks. Satisfied and tired, I brung the laptop over to the bed and started to research mediators.
Page after page came up, and it took forever to get any clue why they would want Jesse. All of a sudden, the door creaked open. NJ’s tall frame, slide into the room and carefully closed the door behind her. Jumping onto the bed she grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to her.
“Cool place you got.”
“Right well what’s happening tomorrow?”
“Well I have money that we can bring, and we can take some clothes, etc to have at the safe house. Why what have you got?”
“Well... what i was planning was eating breakfast, having a nice long shower. Then watch some tv and chillax. You know?”
“Wise the fuck up! Course not! We are gonna pack our stuff, grab a bite to eat and head straight down to Roarhaven. Jeez chillax. Honestly”
“Hey! You were the one who said it!”
“Still! Here get some sleep. You’re gonna need it”
Getting up , NJ went to exit the room when I stopped her
“Thanks NJ. You’re a good friend. You know?”
“course I am it’s me. I’m only messing. No problem, Skye. You’d do the same for me”
“In a flash”
“Sweet dreams”
“You too”
Smiling at each other, she slipped out of the door. Bringing a cape of darkness over the room.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Part 4 - mo rún atá caite

Everyone was gathered around the table, evaluating the current situation presented to them. Finally the grand mage stood up. Looking at Jesse, who was feeling just as awkward as I was, we stood forward from against the wall.
“We’ve decided that the best thing for Jesse is to go into hiding in a safe house. It will have all the necessary protection for him and you, Skye would go with him. NJ will accompany you there, and if she so wishes, stay with you until we catch the person in charge here. We are questioning Shane as we speak, tying to get information about their organisation. So far he’s been silent.”
Talking a deep breath, I took another step forward and said tentatively,
“I think I know how to get him to talk.”
Everyone looked at me shocked. It slightly unnerved me.
“Well.. You see... He just told me we have a little sister. He cares for her a lot. He told me were to find her. If I could get her we could maybe use her to get him to talk?”
Everyone started muttering angst their heads, a few of them nodding in agreement.
“Very well. NJ will go with you. She will help you if you get into any trouble. Jesse, Skulduggery, Val. You all stay here. We need to sort out the finer details of the plan.”
Everyone got up and went their separate ways. There was a tap on my shoulder, turning round I saw Jesse standing there. He looked nervous and looked down, fixing his hair. He muttered something like,
“Take care.”
He walked away again. Leaving me standing there bemused.
“Are you coming or not?”
“Yeah. I’m coming.”


Racing through the quite, deserted roads and  lanes of the country, we looked very out of place. Serene birds resting in the hedges, suddenly burst into flight to escape the roar of the engine.
“You going fast enough for yourself there?”
I teased.
“Naw, I’m going slow cause I don’t wanna scare you off”
“You’re serious? Jeez I’m not a wain. Go full pealt, like”
“I think I could manage that”
All of a sudden the engine gave out a massive roar like a lion, and we shot off into the mist.

“So where’s this place of yours?”
“Emm... It’s actually away up north.”
I looked at her apologetically.
“No way! I thought I heard it in your accent! I am too”
“Really? Where abouts?”
Just outside Ballymena, lawd “
“Wow! I’m outside Ballymena too. Well, closer to Carnlough and Glenarm though”
“I’m closer to Randalstown and Antrim”
“Thats weird”
“we scarily seem to have things in common
“let me guess. Country girl too?”
“You bet ya”
“Used to play fiddle and tin whistle but couldn’t be bothered to keep it on”
“I play piano cause I’m awesome like that”
“O aye”
“Do you like acting too?”
“Yea. Have since I was 3”
“Now I’m scared”
Looking at each other we burst out laughing.
“Maybe I had you wrong, Skye. “
“Yeah, I think I had you wrong too.”
“Aye, why not”
“Now, since we’re friends I can tell you my honest opinion without you getting mad.”
“Ok now I’m scared”
I said jokingly.
“As you should be. Now. You need to wise up and accept you like Jesse and he likes you, but you are both so blind you can’t see it. Second thing is I’m going to help you keep your promise to him. I’m gonna stay with you in the safe house, though I will leave every so often cause I really get an urge to fight someone and it really annoys me if I can’t hurt someone, you know?”
“Yea.. JK”
“You actually aren’t t bad of a fighter. I was surprised when I saw you fight your broter. And you were ready to kill him! I mean I was shocked at that especially.”
She looked over at me and Ishrugged in response.
“And what was that thing you did? You’re eyes glowed piercing blue and you seemed to know how to kill him?”
“It was a trick I learned a few years ago. I can take all their memories, experiences, feeling, everything they are and have been in a sense. It  becomes part of me. I can’t lose a fight then because I know everything they know and know how to  beat them. It is really draining though sI don’t use it all the time. Also I need to learn how to use it for more people all at once cause I can only use it for 2 people at once. It takes a lot of practice to become good at it.”
“Now that is cool”                                                                                                                                                
“I guess so”
“More like you know so, but you don’t want to brag?”
“You know me too well already NJ”
“You are reading my mind aren’t you?”
“Surprisingly, no.  I don’t o it all the time. Only if I want to. And no offense but I have no need to read your mind, also you’re my friend so if I’m planning on reading your mind I’ll let you know.”
“Aww that’s so sweet of you.”
NJ said in a mocking grateful voice.
“So what’s your story?”
“Well.... I have a dark angel mother and  a sorcerer father. My 2 older brothers are necromancers, and a couple months ago sent 2 vampires, Laragh and Lurig, after me.”
“Wow. Did they catch you?”
“Unfortunately. And I was taken home and thats were I found him.”
She said this part gravely, which made me curious.
“Green eyes. My  ‘soul mate’”
“dark angels have a sign on them. Only 1 other dark angel has it in the world. Your so called soul mate. I didn’t want to meet him, but I did. And you would actually be soo jealous. He’s amazing. Funny, fit, etc etc.”
“Why did yiou not  want to see him then?”
“Because I would begin t love him and then I’d be vulnerable because my feelings would blind me and I’d do anything for him.”
She said this getting faster and louder.
“I’m sorry.”
“sometimes you have to make decisions you don’t want to, but you have to. Especially here. People are wanting to kill Jesse, Skye. If you really love him, like you say you don’t but obviously do, then you’ll have to make tough decisions too.”
Looking up at her my heart sank.
“Like what?”
She looked at me, then stopped the car.
“Like realising you need to do anything to save him. It is going to be far from easy to catch these guys, and you need to realise if we can’t find him, we need him to be bait and lure them to us. You could die and so could he. We may have to make up a new life for him. You won’t be there 24/7 for him. You need to start and trust people to help you, and... let him go. You can’t see things clearly because of your feelings. They are getting in the way of your choices. It could kill  us, you, him. I’m telling this cause I don’t wanna see you get killed. But get a fucking grip, Skye.”
“You know what? I will. You don’t have to help me anymore. I’ll do it myself.”
Reaching out to open the door I heard a click.
“Unlock the door”
I glared at her.
“I said open the door”
This time I though the words. She looked shocked and slightly scared.
“No. I’m doing this for your own good. This is what I mean. I mean, look at yourself! What are you planning on doing? Walking up north getting your sister and walking back? No way am I letting you do that!”
She slapped me across the face. I was about to hit her back when I realised what I was doing, and I calmed down.
“Sorry. NO you’re right. I’m over reacting and have to wise up. These people are dangerous, and we have to stop them before they do some serious damage. I’ll do whatever I need to.”
“Good. Now I believe we have some mileage to pick up here if we are going to be at your house in our hour deadline.”
“Floor it.”
“As if I’d do anything but”
She grinned as she raced the car down the road, grit flying behind us in the wave of smoke we left behind.


An hour later we were driving up a quite country road, hidden by a canopy of oak trees.
“Wow it’s beautiful here”
NJ said in awe, as we past a small waterfall beside the bridge we were crossing.
“Yeah. It is. Peaceful too. Stop here a minute.”
Getting out of the car I jumped over the bridge and landed in the pool of water below. Grinning to myself, I swam over to the small island in the middle of the lake. Looking up I saw NJ standing there looking puzzled at me. I motioned for her to jump down. Next thing I know she jumps of the bridge, but instead of falling into the lake, she releases 2 powerful, black wings and flies over to me.
“So that’s what dark angel wings are like?”
She looked at me weirdly.
“Eh. I’m weird”
“Here follow me. I’ve got something to show you.”
We started making our way into the trees that stood on the island. Treading carefully through the forestry. I stopped at a tree. Looking up I grinned.
“8 years. 8 years since I stood here.”
Grasping onto the nearest branch I hauled myself up. Climbing the tree, I felt a rush of adrenaline I hadn’t felt for a long time. Not the type you get in a fight. No that is survival adrenaline. No.. No this was different. It was happiness. Reaching the top I looked across the tree tops. It was beautiful up here.
“Why have you brung me here?”
“This is where I used to go if I was upset. It  was a good place to think. I mean.. look.”
Looking around at the view NJ’s jaw dropped.
“Oh my God. This is amazing”
“yeah. You’re the only other person I’ve shown it to. I miss it. Being here. IT made me feel better.”
“I can imagine. As much as I want to stay here, and believe me I do. We kinda need to hurry up.”
“Wha.. O right! Yeah sorry i forgot”
“Look. Grab onto my waist I’ll get us back to the car quicker”
Next thin  knew NJ jumped off the tree and spread out her magnificent wings.  It only took a minute for her to get us back to the car.
“You get used to it”
“How far till we reach your house?”
“Not long”
When we got a bit further up the road, there were a set of black iron gates closing the entrance of a driveway.
“That’s it there”
That  is your house?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“It’s cool. All grand country house style. Mine is like a modern  mansion.”
“Old isn’t always better”
“I know”
“I wonder if they’ve kept my horses and stables?”
I said worryingly.
“You have your own stables?”
“yeah. Don’t you?”
Pulling the car into the entrance of the drive I got out and walked over to the security house. Opening the door I looked to see if anyone was here. It was empty. Perfect.  Walking towards the over side of the small building I pulled a leaver down to open the gates.
I walked out again and got back into the car.
“Why is there no one here?”
“Don’t ask me. When I left there had been a stack of people. We had everyone. Butlers, cooks, stable hands, everything. Mum and dad are rich.
“Well naw. I thought you had little pixie’s to do the cleaning up.”
“No need to be sarcastic”
“yes there is. Sarcastic is my middle name”
“Well that’s a weird middle name”
“are you being serious?”
“NO! Jeez I may be weird but I ain’t stupid”
“Just checking. By the way how long is this drive?”
“Thats pointless”
“Yeah. I think they just want to show off how big the gardens are, you know?”
“Neither do I”
We both started laughing again at this. We finally came out onto the fore court yard of the sand coloured house.
“Eh you get used to it”
Getting out of the car I looked around at the all too familiar sight. The front gardens stretched out all the way down to the road side, and surrounded by the neighbouring fields. Trees and flowers blossomed all around the perfectly manicured lawns, and statues were dotted around along with benches. The small pond glistened under the sun. The house was as magnificent as ever. Three stories high and columns stood firmly holding the balcony above. Making my way round the back of the house, I let out a shriek of excitement. In the paddock behind the house were horses of all shapes and sizes. At the sound of my voice 4 heads raised up, their ears pricked. Letting out a chorus of whinnies, they galloped over to meet me at the fence.
“Magic, Chico, Comet, Misty! I’ve missed you so much.”
I hugged each of them and the nickered in welcome. I heard a cough behind me. Turning round I saw a young girl with similar long blonde hair and blue eyes as me. She was wearing a pair of cream jodhpurs and a tight fitting polo top. I was shocked.
“What the hell are you doing with my horses?”
She said in a firm, controlling voice. Shocked at her appearance and tone, I replied with as much authority as I could
“Actually they are my horses. I had to leave them behind when I ran away 8 years ago”
She stared at me
“You.. you... you’re étaoin. Aren’t you?”
“who’s étaoin, Skye?”
“Étaoin, who’s Skye?”
Looking at them both helplessly, I said,
“My given name is étaoin. My taken name is Skye.”
“What’s a taken name and given name Étaoin?”
Looking over at my little sisters confused face, I sighed. You mean you don’t know? Didn’t Shane tell you?”
“Who’s Shane?”
“Your brother. His given name is Casey.” I explained to her.
“Where’s Casey? What’s happened him? Why are you here? Why’d you come all of a sudden?”
“Why don’t we go inside. We have a lot of catching up to do”
Walking up the stone flagged steps, we entered the house through the large oak doors. Closing the door behind me, I turned to look at NJ and Caoimhe.
“Right. Where do we start?”