Thursday 4 August 2011

Part 1 - darkest secrets

Tears leaked down my face, which was screwed up in agony. Blood dripped down my back; slowly winding is way down to the ground. My vision became foggy; and i weakened at the knees, and collapsed. The only thing holding me up were the thin ropes that cut into my wrists where they were tied. I heard someone screaming my name. Footsteps. A cry of pain. And then, I blacked out.

When I wake up, I was lying face down on a bed. I went to turn around, when I gave out an agonizing cry of pain. I remembered the whipping... It was because I had tried to steal a piece of bread for my family. You see... We are very poor and always starving. I am almost old enough to work on the neighbouring farm. I will be 20 next month, and that is when I will start. I hope to work in the barn, because I have a way of working with animals and calming them donwn easily. That is how I've got this job lined up for me. They heard I could do this, and asked me if I would accept the job when I turned 20. My mother was thrilled at the news, and cooked a special dinner for us. It will mean money for food and other essentials, which we have not been able to afford since my father died.

Someone walked in and asked me how I was feeling. I turned around, suprised, because I had not heard any footsteps.
"I'm fine", I spluttered. She looked at me oddly.
"Well you should be free to leave soon..." she quickly glanced at her chart, and finished, "Mr Lisk". Turning on her heel, she proceeded to walk out of the room. Just as she was about to go out the door, she turnied around.
"Would you like the paperwork now?" she asked. I nodded and watched her leave, confused. I had the feeling there was something shewanted to say, but couldn't. As I sat there wondering, my best friend walked in.

"SKYE!!!" I yelled. She bounde across the room in two long strides, which caused her long, blonde hair to fly about her face, and hugged me. I noticed she had a scar on her face, and I asked, bewildered,
"How'd you get that?!?" She laughed easily.
"You really were out of it." I was questioning myself to as what she meant, when she continued. "I ran in fron of the whip to stop it hurting you any more. You nearly died." She said all this as if it was obvious and no big deal. I sat up sharply. The machines whirred and beeped around me, but I no longer cared.
"You did WHAT?!?" I screamed at her. "WHY? I would have been just fine! Now you've just gone and hurt yourself!" I splttered out, and I was going to continue when she said in a light hearted voice.
"I knew you'd say this. But, I don't care, Jesse! You almost DIED! And I wasn't going to sit back and watch that happen!"

A retort was on the edge of my tongue, when the nurse walked in again.
"Sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" I noticed the paper work in her hands, and said abuptely,
"NO! I'll just sign these and leave." I grabbed he pen and forms from her; signed them; then thrust them back into he arms. She lookedtaken aback, and walked out of the room as fast as she could.
"What was THAT for? You didn't need to take it out on her!" Skye yelled.
"It doesn't concern you!" I snapped back, staning up quickly. She took a step back, and fell.

"You don't know ANYTHING! You wouldn't understand.!" I said exasperated and frustrated.
"Then tell me! I'll try and undersand. How am I to know if you don't tell me? Like, for God's sake! I'm your best friend, Jesse!" she yelled back at me, pleading.
"You really really want to know? Really? FINE!" I pause a mute, gathering my strength. Then, I look her in the eye and say very quietly. "I was the one who killed my father." ....